10 Reasons Homeschooling on a Farm ROCKS

As if homeschooling isn’t awesome enough as it is, I thought it would be fun to put together a list and hear your favorite things about homeschooling on a farm, too.

Field trips and nature walks are right outside our window. We can do so many experiments and make so many observations right here at […]

The benefits of personalized homeschool schedules

Homeschooling offers incredible flexibility.

You can work your childrens school schedule around your spouse’s work schedule, allowing more quality time together. Maybe this means doing school in the afternoons or evenings rather than mornings. You can decide what days each week become your personal ‘weekend’ If a child “operates” better during a typical time of […]

Spending time with God

Is time with God something that comes naturally, or something that you often forget about? I know for me sometimes it’s a struggle, Satan puts so many things in my life that seem important up to the point that the day has gone by, we’ve said grace before meals and prayed before bed… But […]

Do it for the Glory of God

I wrote this a few years ago for a newsletter I used to publish… What a powerful reminder this was when I came across it again. I had to share.

“Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” I Corinthians 10:31


A mothers mission field

It has been said that a mothers mission field is within her own home. So often we feel discouraged, as if the mundane day-to-day tasks we do, don’t matter We want to make a difference for Christ, serving for Him and blessing others as He calls us to do. We want […]

Homeschooling in the Afternoons

A number of people have been asking me how homeschooling in the afternoon has been going, so I thought I’d write a post detailing how our days go. I can say that it has been going very, very well.

My husband works afternoons, so if we did our homeschooling in the […]